Saturday, June 13, 2009

From these roots...

When I was a young girl my mother filled my life with books. I can't remember the name of my first set, but the stories taught me many of life's most important lessons; such as, the impact a smile can have on a lonely person and how not to"judge a book by its cover." When I got a little older, twelve, perhaps, she introduced me to the Trixie
Belden series. I was hooked. I've started my collection again, and it's fun to re-read those great mysteries. I think I identified with Trixie because we were the same age, and we both had short, curly blond hair. I liked to think we were exactly alike! And so, another blond, curly haired 12 year old detective was born.

Once I had read and re-read my books, however, I needed more so I begged my mother to let me read her True Detective magazines. She relented. I couldn't get enough.

I began writing as a way to document my life, to see how far I've come, how much I've grown. Once I began writing stories it seemed someone always got killed. Hmm
... my sister always told me I was harboring too much anger. What a great way to get it all out.

I'm learning every day, and loving every minute of it.

Latah ~ Dianne

1 comment:

  1. It really sounds like your mother tapped into your creativity and talant for writing. I agree, writing has great therapeutic value. I wish I could make myself write more. You have a great way with words.
